Thousands of bioenergy workers may lose their jobs due to debts at the “green” tariff
They call on the authorities to save their jobs – a flashmob #Save_my_workplace.
Employees of the Clear Energy Ltd., one of the key players in the renewable electricity market, launched a flashmob #Save_my_work_place, that has already been supported by companies such as Yugenergopromtrans Ltd., Ukrteplo Ltd., Biogas Energo (Ivankivska TPP), and Smilaenergopromtrans Ltd. In total, there are more than 1,000 professionals in the industry took part in the flashmob.

It will be recalled that Ukraine’s bioenergy facilities were threatened with closure due to the million-dollar debts of the State Enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer” for the supplied electricity under the “green” tariff.
The situation is critical, because the cost of the production process, purchases fuel or raw materials, in such projects reaches 60%. During the last three months, the level of payment averaged about 5% per month.
If the Guaranteed Buyer does not pay at least 60% soon, bioenergy facilities will shut down. This will lead not only to the loss of thousands of jobs, but also to environmental pollution, deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation, and increasing the risk of fires. Because, first of all, biogas plants were built as treatment facilities at large agricultural enterprises and landfills. Its closing could lead to a tragedy, such as the one at the Hrybovytsia landfill in Lviv in 2016.

Negotiations between the Government and investors on the situation with renewable energy projects have been going on for almost 8 months. All this time, the bioenergy sector is being held hostage. In addition, international partners are suspending cooperation. And it will be very difficult to restore confidence in the country.