The third international expoforum AgroEnergyDAY 2020

AgroEnergyDAY 2020 is the international expoforum dedicated to questions of bioenergy, alternative energy sources and energy efficiency in agribusiness. For its third time the expoforum will be held at the 13th international exhibition of agricultural machinery and equipment InterAGRO 2020.
The exhibition will provide an effective communication platform for promotion of energy efficient technologies and for attracting of agribusiness representatives as target audience.
AgroEnergyDAY as an interactive platform includes:
- specialized exposition which will work during all 3 days of the exhibition (28-30 October)
- business forum AgroEnergyDAY 2020, dedicated to key questions of development of energy use and energy efficiency in agriculture (28-30 October)
Thematic sections:
1. Bioenergy technologies:
- biogas complexes: technologies, equipment, raw materials;
- liquid biofuel: technologies, equipment, raw materials;
- solid biofuel: complexes for manufacture of pellets and briquettes from biomass;
- cogeneration and boiler equipment;
- energy crops: technologies of growing, machinery, equipment and planting material.
2. Consulting, banking and financial services.
3. Alternative energy:
- turn-key solar power stations (off-grid, grid-tied, hybrid);
- photovoltaic solar cells, modules, materials and other hardware;
- solar energy storage systems, power inverters;
- alternative heat supply systems (collectors, heat pump, etc.);
- automation and software (systems of monitoring, control and management);
- equipment and technologies for wind power farms;
- equipment for solar energy.
Results of AgroEnergyDAY 2019:
- specialized exposition (21 exhibitors);
- international business forum (4 thematic panels, 26 speakers, around 200 visitors);
- match-making from the specialized experts (35 individual consultations).
Exhibitors: Bionic Technologies, HAMMEL Recyclіngtechnіk, MBI Development, Methalac SARL, Rodtech Recycling, Zero Emission Energy, Аccord LTD, Business and Safety, Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, Briquetting Technology, Freedom Energy IF, Volyn-Kalvis, Wolf System (National exposition of Germany), Eco Energy Group, Envitech, Plant Kriger, Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, PE Kramar, Pellet Association of Ukraine, Santa Inzhbud, Solar Innovations.
Organizers: Management team of the international exhibition «InterAGRO» (Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd.)
Contacts: +38 (044) 461 93 68