The first part of a long interview of UABIO Head of the Board Georgii Geletukha for the online media Ekopolityka.

A complete shutdown of the RES sector is forecast. And here’s why:

  • The green tariff no longer works, and auctions have not been launched.
  • In 30 years of independence, no power plant has been built, except for 8,500 MW of renewable generation.
  • The unapproved draft of the Concept of the green energy transition is not enough for the future of Ukraine’s energy sector.
  • Lack of a full-fledged energy strategy for the period up to 2050.

Non-market conditions, low tariffs for “efficient” industry and the population – this is the way to the collapse of the energy system. Instead of a competitive market, administrative regulation with price caps and reduced tariffs. In such a model (with a lot of restrictions) to build anything new is impossible. And even under such conditions: RES become cheaper, and traditional types of generation become more expensive. The benefits of switching to green energy are obvious. So, a question to the Government – we don’t understand what plans the country has until 2050…

The green energy sector is on the verge of stopping!

Georgii Geletukha

What to do after 2035, when coal and nuclear generation will stop, as well as:

  • How do we not lose the dynamics of development?
  • What is the role of Ukrainian bioenergy in the development of RES?
  • How to deal with the European Green Deal?
  • What types of generations are cheaper?

What is the conclusion? If everything is calculated correctly, the green transition is the transition to cheaper, environmentally friendly, and carbon-neutral energy. For many reasons, such a transition is beneficial for the country!

Source: Interview “Geletukha: If you are for the green transition, why a record debt to producers of RES in the country?” (in Ukrainian)