We publish a diagram that summarizes the views of world experts on the processes of achieving carbon neutrality. These are the views of the International Energy Agency (IEA) on the development of the global energy sector.

IEA: Key milestones in the pathway to net zero

The infographic shows the key stages of the transition to a carbon-neutral world economy, including:

  • Starting this year, the development of new coal stations and the development of oil and gas fields will be stopped;
  • From 2025 it is planned to stop sales of gas boilers;
  • From 2030, most cars sold will be electric, and all new buildings will have zero emissions;
  • From 2035, the sale of cars with internal combustion engines will stop;
  • In 2040, coal and oil power plants will be completely decommissioned;
  • In 2045, half of all heat demand will be met by heat pumps.

Of course, this is only a strategic forecast for the development of the world energy sector. But the trends are obvious, and modern governments, businesses, and financial institutions will rely on them in their future plans and basic activities.

In your opinion, which stages are the most important for Ukraine in terms of achieving carbon neutrality?

A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector is available at: https://bit.ly/3gBbRSs.