The CHP in Heidenrod was built in five years and put into operation in 2016.

CHP uses renewable raw materials called NawaRo. There are freshly harvested wood, wood and green waste and landscape clippings. The plant is designed for an annual capacity of about 32,000 tons of biomass. All raw materials are of local origin.


  • The electric capacity is 2.75 MW.
  • The thermal capacity is 5.5 MW.
  • Key steam parameters: approximately 60 bar; 480 °C.

The concept of centralized heat supply is integrated at this plant. The steam is produced using a turbine-generator unit that produces electricity.

Когенераційна установку на біомасі у Німеччині

The station generates about 22 million kWh of electricity per year at full load. Electricity is fed into the national grid. This volume can provide 5,500 households (consisting of 2-3 people).