Working Group on bioenergy knowledge: results of the first meeting on the SAF platform
We share the results of the first online meeting of the Working Group on Bioenergy Knowledge was held within the framework of the project “Ukraine Sustainable Bioenergy Value Chain Innovation – Knowledge Management Programme” with the support of the EBRD and GEF,
Currently, 59 stakeholders have already entered the list of the project steakholders, including 29 representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 30 companies/organizations of the bioenergy sector and those close to it. Our team, consisting of international and Ukrainian experts, works hard to make the materials as useful as possible for scientists, businesses and state authorities.
We advise our readers to visit the SAF platform, where we share the results of the meeting and plans for further work.

As a result, the following tasks were implemented:
- Educational programmes of higher educational institutions were analyzed.
- A list of fields of knowledge and specialties to introduce educational programmes or educational components on bioenergy has been formed.
- Selected components of bioenergy-related educational and scientific programmess of foreign higher educational institutions were analyzed.
- The reasons for the decrease in the number of educational programmes related to RES and bioenergy in higher educational institutions of Ukraine in recent years have been studied.
- Actual student potential has been calculated.
- A list of areas necessary for the improvement of the teachers and academics qualifications in the bioenergy sector has been created.
- An analysis of the best international practice that can be used in Ukraine is presented, as well as a review of successful global practices.
- A brief overview of the current state and prospects for the development of bioenergy is presented.
- Lecture topics that will be included in future training courses are presented.
Learn more at SAF platform.
We remind you that UABIO is a partner of the Sustainable agribusiness platform (SAF).
SAF is a communication platform that brings together agribusiness stakeholders and aims to establish strong links between market players and introduce sustainable approaches in agriculture.
For this platform, our team prepares verified professional content on the bioenergy sector.