From January 17 to February 14, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), in cooperation with the Civic Union Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABio), held a comprehensive Training Program for Biomethane Production in Ukraine. 

We are sincerely grateful to the project for organizational support and cooperation. This program made it possible to create a cool and useful product!

Матеріали комплексної навчальної програми з виробництва біометану

Presentations in two languages from all five modules of the comprehensive training program on biomethane production in Ukraine are already available via the links.

What topics are covered in the materials?

The Curriculum covers: 

  • Status of biomethane development in the world, European plans and obligations for short (2030) and long-term (2050) periods 
  • Biomethane in Ukraine – potential and prospects, the market features as part of the common European system 
  • Biogas/biomethane feedstock sourcing and logistic concepts 
  • Harvesting of crop residues for biogas/biomethane production 
  • Best practices in European biogas and biomethane production and their possible implementation in Ukraine 
  • Feedstock pre-treatment, storage, and feeding systems
  • Digester technology, how to match feedstock and digester design
  • Biogas/biomethane properties and biogas/biomethane plant safety
  • Digester biology 
  • Biogas cleaning and upgrading (CO2 removal) technologies 
  • Digestate management 
  • Heat & power production from biogas and biomethane
  • Biomethane mobility (CNG, LNG for road and marine transport)
  • Biomethane injection into distribution and transportation NG grid. 
  • Examples of feasibility studies for biogas/biomethane generation and use 
  • Successful experience in biomethane technology development with other countries
  • Biomethane production sustainability and GoO system introduction, mitigation of GHG emission. Biomethane production certification and trade with European clients
  • Development of business models for biomethane production and use, including carbon credits and sustainability offsets. 

We would like to remind you that the Program is part of USAID PEB’s broader efforts to develop a regulatory framework for the potential biomethane market in Ukraine, aligned with European standards.