SAF: Utilization of waste heat in plants using wet biomass as fuel
We have a useful article for you about the utilization of waste heat in plants using wet biomass as fuel.
On the SAF platform, for which our team prepares materials, we continue the series of publications devoted to the following topics:
- use of waste heat energy,
- condensation utilisers,
- increasing the efficiency of fuel energy use;
- successful experience of implemented projects.
Read the full article on the SAF platform, for which our team prepare content.

What are the features of the process of burning low-quality fuel and what is the role of equipment in this process?
The great potential of such raw materials, availability and low cost create opportunities for wide use, which is necessary for the further development of the energy sector in Ukraine.
The use of low-quality biomass as fuel requires complex engineering solutions and special organizational conditions.

A decrease in quality leads to an increase in fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants, a decrease in the equipment thermal power and a reduction in the intervals between planned stops.
At the same time, higher investment costs can be economically feasible for industrial projects for the production of thermal and electrical energy, provided that cheap fuel is used.
It is possible to improve the efficiency of fuel energy use not only by reducing the temperature of flue gases, but also by recovering latent heat energy – using condensation utilisers. By burning biomass with a moisture content of 45%, an additional 20-25% of low-potential heat energy can be obtained, and with a fuel moisture content of 55%, this indicator can increase to 35%.

In the EU countries, the use of biomass for the production of heat and electricity is a common process, as is the use of condensing units. Wide use of waste disposal facilities is observed in the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The number of installed recyclers is increasing along with the number of new biomass boilers and CHPs in the countries of Eastern Europe. Frequently, new construction projects immediately require the installation of waste heat recovery units.
Read about real cases and much more on SAF.
We remind you that UABIO is a partner of the Sustainable Agribusiness Forum (SAF).
SAF is a communication platform that brings together agribusiness stakeholders and aims to establish strong links between market players and introduce sustainable approaches in agriculture. For this platform, our team prepares verified professional content on the bioenergy sector.