Prospects of sunflower residues use for energy – UABIO Position Paper 25

UABIO Position Paper № 25
Georgii Geletukha, Semen Drahniev, Tetiana Zheliezna, Anatolii Bashtovyi
October 9, 2020
UABIO’s Position Paper №25 of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine presents the results of technical and economic analysis of harvesting by-products of sunflower production for energy.
The theme is topical due to an increase in the gross sunflower production in Ukraine in recent years, which creates the possibility for introducing technologies for the harvesting of sunflower by-products for their further processing into a solid, liquid, and gaseous biofuels. The energy potential of sunflower byproducts is assessed for Ukraine’s regions. Fuel characteristics of sunflower stalks and heads are analyzed. Prerequisites for the sustainable development of the value-added chains for sunflower production by-products are presented.
Download in Ukrainian UABIO Position Paper 25 “Prospects of sunflower residues use for energy”
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