We offer to get acquainted with the analysis of data of the National Commission for Regulation of Economic Competition for September 2020 from UABIO expert Yevhen Oliinyk:

  • The total production of electricity from RES is 999 million kWh and has not changed significantly;
  • total annual electricity production from RES is 8287 million kWh;
  • in total, over 514.7 million kWh of green electricity was generated from biomass and biogas in 2020, which is 6.2% of the total production of electricity from renewable sources in 2020 (solid biomass – 2.3% and biogas – 3.9%);
  • 904 companies control 1386 RES facilities (that have received green tariff) with a total installed capacity of 7485 MW, that is proportional to the capacity of 7 NPP units;
  • compared to the previous month, the volume of electricity production from biomass increased by 17% to 27.5 million kWh, and from biogas – by 1% to 37 million kWh.

Up-to-date information on RES facilities

Electricity production from BIOMASS – main indicators:

  • The total installed capacity of the facilities that received the green tariff – 86.1 MW, of which 5 MW was put into operation in 2020 (LLC PGS-ENERGY);
  • 16 companies/facilities received a green tariff for electricity from biomass;
  • only 10 companies produced and supplied green electricity with a total installed capacity of 73.8 MW;
  • 6 companies (12.3 MW) received a green tariff and did not start electricity production;
  • 3 TPPs / CHPs on biomass received a 10% surcharge to the green tariff;
  • LLC “Biogazenergo” (19 MW, wood chips) increased electricity production by 30% and reached a maximum level of 4.8 million kWh in the last year;
  • Ajax Dnipro LLC (16 MW, husk) reduced electricity production by 22% to 7.8 million kWh;
  • PJSC “Kropyvnytskyi Oil Extraction Plant” (1.8 MW, husk) increased the volume of electricity production 2.5 times to the level of 3.6 million kWh;
  • Some companies provided stable generation during the month and a high installed capacity utilization rate: Ajax Dnipro LLC – 68%, Yugenergopromtrans EPG – 76%, Clear Energy LLC – 71%;
  • LLC “Agro-industrial company “Eugroil” (5 MW, wood chips) in the last 3 months does not generate electricity to the grid.

Electricity production from BIOGAS main indicators:

  • 34 companies operate 52 biogas facilities;
  • the total installed capacity of the facilities that received the green tariff is 102 MW, of which 9.7 MW was put into operation in 2020 (LLC “Agrofirma im. Chkalova” – 6 MW, LLC “Clear Energy-Odessa” – 3.5 MW);
  • 29 companies produced and supplied green electricity;
  • 3 biogas complexes received a 10% surcharge to the green tariff.

We remind you that on the UABIO website there is a section “Statistics”(now available only in Ukrainian), where relevant information on the development of bioenergy is collected.