As every year, the EBA is delighted to present you the new edition of the EBA Success Stories. We offer to get acquainted with the positive experience of development of production and use of biogas and biomethane. These are best practices and technological solutions in Europe and the world.

Biogas and biomethane save billions of euros, create hundreds of thousands of jobs and combat climate change


Written in collaboration with the EBA members, the publication gathers 50 case studies providing a reference on how the biogas and biomethane sectors are developing innovative and sustainable solutions to facilitate the energy transition. It will be recalled that the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine is a member of the EBA.

This edition features:

  • innovative technologies installed at biogas facilities and more efficient processes implemented to enhance the performance of the plants;
  • liquid biogas production and use as heavy-trucks vehicles and maritime ship fuels;
  • examples of practice-oriented research and demonstrations in biogas production and nutrient recovery.

Key facts about biogas and biomethane

  • There are 18,855 biogas plants and 726 biomethane plants in Europe.
  • Over the past decade, the number of biomethane plants has been doubling every 4 years.
  • In 2019, Europe produced 176 TWh of biogas and 26 TWh of biomethane. It is calculated our industry will be able to produce 370 TWh of biomethane by 2030 and 1,020 TWh by 2050.
  • The biogas sector has the potential to reduce worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 10 – 13%. Relative to EU fossil fuels, biogas production can save up to 240% of GHG emissions and biomethane up to 202%.
  • Scaling up the production of renewable gases has the potential to create 600,000 – 850,000 direct jobs and 1.1–1.5 million indirect jobs by 2050.
  • Renewable methane and hydrogen used throughout the energy system save society € 217 billion annually compared to an energy system with a minimal amount of gas.

Source: Biogas success stories 2020: