Звіт Європейської біоазової асоціації 2022

The statistical report of the European Biogas Association 2022 was published on 7 December.

Main findings in the report

The biogas and biomethane sector already supplies 18.4 billion cubic meters of renewable gas to the European market.

  • In the medium term, the sector is a key pillar of the REPowerEU strategy.
  • The sector should ensure the annual production of 35 billion cubic meters of sustainable methane by 2030 to reduce the effects of climate change and strengthen the strategic energy autonomy of the EU.
  • By 2050, the sector could provide up to 167 billion cubic meters of biomethane and thus cover 62% of the EU’s natural gas demand.

Demand for biomethane for all end uses remains high.

Results of 2021

In 2021, production growth was unprecedented: the amount of biomethane that was obtained increased by 20%, and a total of 3.5 billion cubic meters of biomethane was produced.

Expectations in 2022

Even more, growth is expected in 2022, as a record number of new biomethane projects started construction last year (184), which will start operating during 2022.

The dynamics of biogas and biomethane production in Europe can be seen in the diagram.

Динаміка виробництва біогазу та біометану в Європі

Document structure

The report consists of seven chapters and covers a general description of the place of renewable gases in the energy market, features of the development of biomethane production in 2021, development prospects until 2050, the use of biomethane in transport, current and forecast financial indicators of projects, as well as the advantages of using digestate in the agricultural sector. The last chapter describes the situation in 24 European countries, including Ukraine.

Структура звіту Європейської біоазової асоціації

More information will be in our next publications — stay tuned.

Source: European Biogas Association.