Georgii Geletukha – Head of the Board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine – in a special project of The Village Ukraine answers questions:

▪ When will the energy resources run out and what to do next?
▪️ Why should we abandon fossil fuels?
▪️ What does humanity agree on?
▪️ What is Biofuel?


The average temperature of the atmosphere since the pre-industrial period has already increased by one degree. If we continue with the same pace, by 2100 the temperature will rise by six degrees. And this is the melting of glaciers, the rise of the ocean, hurricanes and tsunami. In a word, it is a climatic catastrophe.

In addition to the fact that it will not be very comfortable for us to live in a terrible climate, we should keep in mind that infrastructure built by people will be partially destroyed. For example, gas pipelines passing through the permafrost regions will fall down, as the ice on which they stand will turn into a swamp. So, even if we stubbornly decide to use only traditional sources of energy, we will not succed.

Read the full article here:
What is really happening with our planet and ecology today? Geletukha G.G. Website “The Village Ukraine”, June 20,  2019 (in Ukrainian)