Georgii Geletukha: Biomethane is one of the most economically efficient ways to decarbonize the energy system and the economy in Ukraine
An article of UABIO Head of the Board Georgii Geletukha for the online media “Economichna Pravda” covers such questions:
- EU plans;
- ways of usage in various spheres;
- world experience of biomethane usage;
- development of biomethane technologies;
- rates of development in different countries;
- raw materials for biomethane production;
- legal framework.
Georgii Geletukha’s arguments why biomethane is one of the most economically efficient ways to decarbonize the energy system and the economy:
- agricultural producers receive a source of energy from waste and residues of their own production;
- it is an opportunity to significantly reduce air pollution in large cities;
- it creates future prospective of producing “green” hydrogen;
- it is possible to produce high-quality organic fertilizers and revive the fertility of Ukrainian soils;
- it is important precondition for achieving the national goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We publish several important theses.
Capacity assessment
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the world’s biomethane production potential is 730 billion m3 / year (about 20% of current total natural gas consumption). Currently, the potential for biomethane production in Ukraine is estimated at 7.8 billion m3 / year. The potential covers biomethane from agricultural waste and by-products (3.8 billion m3), corn silage (2.7 billion m3), as well as other livestock and processing waste (1.3 billion m3).
In 2050, the potential for biomethane production may increase to 17 billion m3 / year due to the growth of industrial production, development of raw materials for biomethane production, consolidation of livestock enterprises and the transition from solid waste disposal to the use of mechanical and biological treatment technology.
Why and how can biomethane be used instead of natural gas?
Biomethane, as a close analogue of natural gas, can be used for the production of heat and electricity, as a fuel for transport, as well as raw materials for the chemical industry.
Where is biomethane produced?
The leader in biomethane production today is the EU – biomethane production in Europe already exists and develops in 18 countries. Germany remains the leader of the European biomethane market, where about half of European biomethane is produced at 200 plants. In recent years, countries such as France, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Italy have been leading in terms of development.
What are the advantages of Ukraine for biomethane production?
Ukrayina maye naybilʹshu v Yevropi ploshchu silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkykh uhidʹ. Tse odyn iz naykrashchykh v sviti potentsialiv ahrarnoyi syrovyny dlya vyrobnytstva biometanu.volume_up152 / 5000
Результати перекладу
- Ukraine has the largest area of agricultural land in Europe. This is one of the best potentials in the world for agricultural raw materials for biomethane production.
- Ukraine has a developed distribution and strong transmission gas network, which allows the connection of biomethane producers in most parts of Ukraine.
What plan do we have in Ukraine at the legislative level?
- Introduce the term “biomethane” into legislation.
- Create a register of biomethane. What it is and what opportunities it gives, read in the whole article.
Source: Article by Georgii Geletukha “Biomethane is the future of biogas” (in Ukrainian).