Expert: Decarbonisation of the heat supply sector is a necessary step
It is worth emphasizing that the green energy transition means not only the transformation of the electricity sector but also the heat supply and transport sectors. UABIO Head of the Board Georgii Geletukha spoke in more detail about the ways to decarbonize heat supply in an article for online media “Ekopolityka”.
In general, the structure of final energy consumption in Ukraine can be divided into three categories:
- electricity (29%),
- thermal energy (52%),
- transport (19%).
As we can see, without the decarbonization of the heat supply sector, as well as transport, it will be impossible to fulfill Ukraine’s plans for decarbonization and transition to RES. Read more about this in the full article.
Key points of the article

About the situation in the EU
In general, according to 2019 data in the EU RES accounted for 22.1% of energy for heating and cooling.
About Ukraine
Ukraine’s figure is 9% in 2019, which is not a very honorable fifth place from the end.
About the main problems
In particular, the underdevelopment of the solid biofuels market, the lack of a biofuel exchange; problems with the connection of third parties to the thermal networks of DH; payment of CO2 emissions tax by boiler houses and TPPs / CHPs on biomass.
On RED II Directive 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council
About measures that the document envisages and how will it accelerate the development of renewable heat.
About new risks for heat supply in Ukraine
The necessary steps to stabilize the situation with heat supply and reduce the tariff for thermal energy for end-users by 15-20 percent.
Source: Article “How to decarbonize the heat supply sector”: (in Ukrainian).