UABIO team visited two biogas plants of Horodyshche-Pustovarivska agricultural company in Chernihiv region
Horodyshche-Pustovarivska Agricultural Company is a member of the group of agricultural companies Gals Agro, an active member of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.

Head of the Board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine Georgii Geletukha, as well as leading UABIO experts Yurii Matveev and Petro Kucheruk visited biogas plants at a pig farm in the Zhuravka village and at a sugar factory in Lynovytsia village.
It should be noted that the Gals Agro holding has the following facilities:
- 2 sugar factories,
- 7 agro-industrial firms,
- turkey farms,
- walnut and apple orchards,
- pig farm,
- 4 biogas plants,
- 2 elevators,
- feed mill.

Both plants, which were visited by experts of the Association, are under reconstruction.
At Zhuravka biogas plant, the reconstruction is almost completed, the next step is to reach the planned capacity.
- What has been done?
- The third reactor was built, the second and third Jenbacher engines were mounted.
- The total installed electric capacity increased from 1.2 to 3.9 MW.
- Reconstruction involved an intensification of loading of basic raw materials (corn silage), optimization of the mixing process in the reactor, installation of a new biogas treatment system, change of the automation system.
- Deep reconstruction was carried out without stopping the production of biogas and electricity.

Reconstruction and construction in Linovytsia are still in full swing. It uses similar technological principles developed in Zhuravka.
- What changes will happen?
- The total installed electric capacity at the facility will increase from 2.4 to almost 7 MW.

Gals Agro is experiencing serious difficulties due to late payments by the State Enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer” for electricity supplied to the grid. Despite this, it is planned that the reconstruction will be completed by the end of the year. The company plans to produce biomethane in the near future.

Read more about the company on the Gals Agro website.