We are accumulating experience for future Ukrainian projects, which should include:

  • efficient and clean production,
  • low emissions,
  • competitive heat prices for end consumers.

Pärnu CHP is a co-generation plant that covers the base load of town Pärnu and industrial needs via its own heat network and produces electricity for the grid.

Capacity: 24 MW of electricity and 45 + 5 MW of heat.

Specifications. The plant has a 74 MW fluidized-bed biomass and peat steam boiler, and is equipped with a 5 MW auxiliary steam boiler, working with natural gas. The boiler is able to burn biomass and peat mixtures, which gives the best economic result. 

The plant is equipped with air coolers 36.5 MW for covering the low heat demand during the summer season. It gives a possibility to run the plant at a nominal load throughout the year and for maximum electricity production.


The flexibility of plant operation enables to run the plant always in the most productive way. Different fuel mixtures give a possibility to use the most beneficial ways of operation.

Main success factors are :

  • well managed construction of plant;
  • young and highly motivated staff;
  • good availability of biomass and peat.

State support. Support for the production of electricity from biomass by the state is enshrined in law. There are subsidies that significantly reduce investment risks.

Future. This kind of power plant will be an energy center for creating a new industrial production company in the future.

Source: COGEN Europe.