As a basis, the European integration draft law No. 9597 on amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Fuels” regarding the creation of a register of installations that use biofuel as the only type of fuel was adopted!
What does it mean? That, finally, biofuel installations will not pay an absurd tax on CO2 emissions. Let’s talk in more detail.
This draft law is aimed at creating a register of installations that use biofuel (in particular, biogas, biomethane), with the aim of exempting them from paying a tax on carbon dioxide emissions. According to the draft law, the Register of installations is created by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

What will the law provide in the future?
Adoption of the draft law will lead to the creation of a special register, which will include installations that use solid, liquid and gas biofuel as a single type of fuel. Installations that will have an account in the register will not pay a tax on carbon dioxide emissions.
Owners (users) of installations entered into the register of installations that use biofuel as the only type of fuel, by the 5th of the month following the reporting tax period, will enter into the register information for the reporting period on the volumes of biofuel consumption, produced thermal and/or electric energy, carbon dioxide emissions.
The UABIO team is waiting for consideration and approval in the second reading of this important draft law.
Photo: press service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine