UABIO proposals to the Concept of “green” energy transition of Ukraine till 2050. Letter No 480

The position of UABIO members was sent in a letter to the Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine Oleksii Orzhel and the Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine Serhii Maslichenko.
For the first time, Ukraine has officially introduced the concept of a “green” energy transition with an expanded planning horizon until 2070.
Text of Concept (in Ukrainian)
Presentation of Concept (in Ukrainian)
What does UABIO offer?
- To reconsider the feasibility of using 20-25% of new NPPs in the power generation sector based on the technology of small modular nuclear reactors. The price is high.
- Add highly maneuverable gas capacity on natural gas and biomethane to the list of technologies for balancing the power system with a high share of RES.
- Add biomethane to the list of renewable gases at the level of hydrogen, and determine that both gases will be used in all energy sectors – electricity, heat and transport.
- Symmetrically indicate the use of biomass boilers in district heating systems, except for cogeneration and trigeneration on biomass.
- Take a broader look at heat generation technologies, namely, add to the list those already used in efficient heat supply systems: biomass boilers, heat recovery plants, waste heat, production of heat and electricity from solid waste, solar collectors. Because the role of electrification in heat supply is overestimated.
- Make a clearer distribution of generation types separately for the three main subsectors of heat consumption: individual heating, district heating, industry.
Cancel any subsidies for fossil fuels and energy from it;
UABIO recommends including in the Concept:
Introduction of a carbon tax or a similar energy tax on fossil fuels.
Position of the UABIO is prepared, discussed and agreed upon by the members of the UABIO, which produce more than 50% of all energy from biomass and biogas in Ukraine.