The UABIO community is growing — 15 new members have joined in 2019
Chairman of the Board of Bioenergy Association of Ukraine Georgii Geletukha presented the 2019 Work Report, the UABIO Legislative Initiatives, and the 2020 Plans at the UABIO Open General Meeting.

Today UABIO:
- Unites 30 companies and 15 individuals.
- Member of the World Bioenergy Association, Bioenergy Europe, European Biogas Association and co-founder of Global 100% RE Ukraine.
- Runs two Horizon2020 projects: Agrobioheat – Promoting agrobiomass heating in European rural areas and Regatrace.
- Has the following partners and clients: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Global Environment Facility, Horizon2020, and UNDP in Ukraine.
- Has experts who are consultants of the Private Financing Advisory Network and the TNA project from Global Environment Facility.

UABIO lobbies for the development of bioenergy at the legislative level
In 2019:
- By efforts of the Association and other organizations, the “green ”tariff is not reduced for biomass and biogas electricity production facilities.
- Our organization participated in the development of the Draft Law of Ukraine on stimulating the cultivation of energy crops.
The UABIO plans:
- exemption of biofuels and biogas plants from the tax on CO2 emissions;
- e-commerce system for solid biofuels;
- “green” tariff for electricity from biomethane;
- production and consumption of biomethane register;
- criteria of sustainability for liquid biofuels;
- state support for the cultivation of energy crops;
- competitive market for thermal energy.

Bioenergy Ukraine keeps steady growing by 31% per year.
In 2018, Ukraine imported $ 17 billion in energy, which is 27% of total imports.
We thank our partners, the team of The State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine, the public association Global 100% RE Ukraine, as well as the experts and colleagues.