More than UAH 618 million – the debt of the SE “Guaranteed Buyer” to UABIO member companies for the released electricity from biomass and biogas
We call on the deputies of Ukraine during the consideration of the Draft law №3658 in the second reading to support amendments to ensure 60% of priority payments of debts to producers of electricity from biomass and biogas, which account for the raw material component.
In 2019, 61% of payments under the “green” tariff were received by solar power plants — biomass and biogas stations received only 7%. This year bioenergy facilities received only debts.
We demand immediate payment of at least 60% of the debt that will recover the raw material component!
UABIO members did not receive UAH 618 million, which means that they cannot pay forestries and other suppliers for raw materials. But 60% OF THE TARIFF IS THE COST OF RAW MATERIALS.
Yesterday UABIO Head of the Board Georgii Geletukha and CEO at Clear Energy Ltd., UABIO Member of the Board Sergiy Savchuk presented the position of the Association during the press conference “Renewable energy — will there be light at the end of the tunnel?”.

We remind that because of the crisis in the energy sphere more than 1,000 employees of the UABIO member companies such as Clear Energy Ltd., Yugenergopromtrans Ltd., Ukrteplo Ltd., Biogas Energo (Ivankivska TPP), Smilaenergopromtrans Ltd and UTC took part in the flashmob #Save_my_work_place.

In fact, Ukraine has one of the lowest tariffs for the bioenergy sector in Europe – the “green” tariff for biomass and biogas is only 12.39 eurocents per 1 kWh.
Why is the operation and development of bioenergy facilities strategically important for Ukraine’s energy sector?
- The energy production by these facilities is stable and does not require balancing – they can balance the system by themselves.
- Solid biomass plants use logging waste and therefore reduce the risk of forest fires.
- Biogas plants significantly reduce the risk of fires at municipal solid waste landfills; dispose of animal waste (chicken and cattle manure) and improve the sanitary and epidemiological situation.
Position of the UABIO is prepared, discussed and agreed upon by the members of the UABIO, which produce more than 50% of all energy from biomass and biogas in Ukraine.