Biomass market is a significant component of the development of bioenergy in Ukraine
Often biomass producers do not have a market, and buyers are looking for reliable suppliers. The Bioenergy Association of Ukraine proposes to introduce an e-commerce system for solid biofuels in order for the biomass market to fully work.
How will it work?
It will be the main electronic platform where biomass producers and buyers will work together.
What has already been done?
UABIO together with the State Agency on Energy Efficiency has developed a draft Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Development of Trade in Solid Biofuels and submitted it to the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.

Advantages of biomass trade on such a platform
- Biomass quality – producers will have to ensure that biomass quality classes that will be the same for all producers;
- Reliability of supply – producers and buyers of biomass engaged in trade will be responsible for compliance with the terms of supply;
- Reduction of the price of biomass – which is expected due to competition among producers and buyers of biomass;
- Accessibility of trade –- trade in biomass can be carried out from any area, and in the future, biomass producers from abroad will be able to join the electronic platform;
- Balance of supply and demand – some market participants must trade through an e-commerce system.