UABIO appeals to the State Forestry Agency regarding the deferral of payments for fuel raw materials. Letter 499

The situation is critical — bioenergy facilities are on the verge of survival due to the debts of the Guaranteed Buyer. Payments for March-September were made at the level of 5-7%. And raw materials in the cost of electricity generation is 60-65%.
The majority of bioenergy enterprises that produce electricity at a green tariff, constantly buy forestry wastes and wood chips from forestries in Ukraine at market prices. At present, it is impossible to make payments for raw materials on time and in full, even given the legislative changes that provide for the repayment of debts by 40% in 2020 and 100% in 2021.
Obviously, the stabilization of the situation on the electricity market, which provides for the solvency of the Guaranteed Buyer takes time. In order not to go bankrupt, bioenergy companies also need additional time for the repayment of debts to forestries.
What does the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine offer?
- Continue forestry supplies of raw materials to electricity producers using forestry products and wood chips.
- Consider debt restructuring.
This is the development of local economies, thousands of jobs and support for the industry, without which the achievement of Ukraine’s energy independence is impossible!