UABIO appeals to support the bioenergy sector and overcome existing barriers. Letter 514

In order to overcome the main barriers that hinder the development of the industry, the UABIO team has developed a number of draft laws and other regulations with the support of the EBRD Program “Ukraine: Sustainable Bioenergy Value Chain Innovations”.
UABIO proposals
Accelerate the work on overcoming the identified barriers in the industry, as well as submit the draft laws for approval to other ministries and for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
- Full text of UABIO’s letter № 514 on supporting the bioenergy sector and overcoming existing barriers (in Ukrainian).
Barriers to the development of bioenergy in Ukraine
- Lack of the approved Roadmap for the Development of Bioenergy of Ukraine until 2050 and the Action Plan until 2025;
- Underdevelopment of the solid biofuel market;
- Lack of state support for biomass and biofuel producers;
- Lack of mechanisms to stimulate the production and consumption of biomethane;
- Delays or incomplete payment for electricity at the green tariff;
- Discriminatory conditions of the imbalance fee for producers of biomass and biogas in comparison with producers of solar and wind energy;
- Lack of auctions for state support of RES electricity production projects;
- Impossibility to obtain the green tariff for new producers of electricity from biomass and biogas, which will start working on 01.01.2023;
- Difficulties for producers of thermal energy from biomass with connection to thermal networks of DH;
- An imperfect mechanism for setting tariffs for thermal energy produced from alternative energy sources;
- The necessity to pay a tax on CO2 emissions for boiler houses, CHPs, TPPs on biomass;
- Lack of incentives for the production and consumption of liquid biofuels and biogas/biomethane in transport;
- The necessity for mandatory state registration of the digestate from biogas plants as organic fertilizer.
Proposals are sent to the acting Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yurii Vitrenko, acting Head of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency of Ukraine Kostiantyn Gura, and Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Ihor Petrashko.
The position of the UABIO is prepared, discussed, and agreed upon by the members of the UABIO, which produce more than 50% of all energy from biomass and biogas in Ukraine.