UABIO: Results of 2020
On January 26, the General Meeting of members of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine took place. During the working meeting, the results of the organization’s activities for 2020 and plans for 2021 were discussed. The report was presented by UABIO Head of the Board Georgii Geletukha. In addition, UABIO PR Manager Olena Brif summed up the results of PR activities in 2020 and announced plans for 2021.
The reports were unanimously approved by the General Meeting in accordance with the agenda.
Georgii Geletukha spoke about organizational issues, UABIO’s activities, working process under the pandemic, industry development indicators and barriers that hinder it, as well as told about the plans and already planned activities.

Olena Brif spoke about the peculiarities of communication activities in 2020, the specifics of the audience, the thematic of publications, dissemination channels, and the new corporate style.

Speaker presentations:
- UABIO work report in 2020. Plan for 2021 Georgii Geletukha, UABIO HEAD of the Board (in Ukrainian).
- Communication in 2020: results. Olena Brif, UABIO PR-manager (in Ukrainian).