The price of natural gas is rising again – biomass is becoming even more profitable
Statement of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”: From January 1, 2021, the wholesale price for natural gas for heat producers (DH), to which the company supplies it within the limits of special obligations (PSO), has increased again by 20% and amounts to UAH 7,331.45 / thousand m3 without VAT and transportation costs. Current analysis from UABIO expert Anatolii Bashtovyi.
Recall that in December the price of gas was 6103.1 UAH / th. m3. As can be seen from the chart, the cost of natural gas is almost 60% higher than in January of the previous year and 17% higher than in January 2019

Although a temporary sharp rise in gas prices was also observed on European gas exchanges, in particular on the TTF gas hub in the Netherlands, as can be seen from the chart, it also decreased sharply, reaching the level of the end of December 2020.
Today, we must use the resources we have instead of expensive gas. And, of course, we are talking about biomass. Traditionally, we compare the cost of energy from gas and some types of biofuels. When replacing 1000 m3 of natural gas with a typical calorific value of 34.3 MJ / m3 at a price of 8797.74 UAH / 1000 m3 with VAT for DHW and the notional cost of transportation 1000 UAH / 1000 m3 (in the amount of almost 9800 UAH / 1000 m3) it is economically more expedient to replace it with almost all types of biofuels.
The table shows that the use of even wood pellets is now very attractive. After the introduction of e-commerce in biofuels in Ukraine, we can expect equalization and reduction of prices for this type of fuel throughout the country, which will further strengthen the competitiveness of biofuels for energy production. This is proved by the experience of the Lithuanian biofuel exchange Baltpool.
Biofuel heating is a significant cost savings!