Modernization of biogas facilities for the production of biomethane | Jelsum, The Netherlands
Let’s talk about experience, which is currently extremely relevant in the conditions of rising natural gas prices.
The biogas plant at a cattle farm in Jelsum in The Netherlands was originally constructed by HoSt in 2006 generating electricity out of manure and co-products. Back then, the client was one of the first investors in a biogas plant in the Netherlands.
One decade later, in 2016, the plant is converted and made suitable for biomethane production with gas to grid injection.

280 Nm³/hr of biogas and 180 Nm³/hr of biomethane is produced out of 7,000 tons of manure and 7,000 tons of waste products. The efficiency of the installation reaches 99.5%.
The plant has been completely repowered with the latest available technologies for:
- digestion (such as highly efficient mixers and an insulated double membrane roof),
- biomethane production (The original CHP has been replaced by the biogas upgrading unit which had been produced by the HoSt Biomethane® company),
- maximal heat recovery (maximal heat recovery in combination with heat pumps is applied for the heat consumption of the biogas installation).

In early 2017 the first biomethane had been injected into the grid. More than 1 million Nm³ biomethane annually is produced, which is equivalent to the natural gas consumption of 750 households.
The project has been realised with Top Sector Energy subsidy from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Source: HoSt | Bioenergy systems.