Welcome to the UABIO team new member – DIEX company!
Welcome to the UABIO team new member — DIEX company!
We are glad that Ukrainian companies with a strong position are joining the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine: ‘Industrial safety is protection without compromise!’.
LLC JV “TECHICAL SUPERVISION COMPANY DIEX” is the Ukrainian market leader in the industrial safety segment. It provides a full range of services for enterprises in equipment diagnostics, occupational safety and health, equipment certification, verification of greenhouse gas emission reports, and many others.

DIEX controls equipment, materials non-destructive methods in the manufacture, construction, installation, repair, reconstruction and technical diagnosis facilities. One of the company’s main competitive advantages is the continuous development of its material and technical base.
DIEX aims to protect human beings, the environment and industrial equipment from accidents and man-made disasters. The result of the company’s activities is:
- well-honed and predictable operation of machinery;
- orderly production process;
- safety in the operation of buildings;
- fair market value of production facilities;
- highly qualified personnel in the field of labour protection.

The company’s services include:
- Technical diagnosis.
- Technical certification.
- Training, knowledge assessment, psychophysiological examination.
- Development and coordination of documents in the field of industrial safety.
- Conformity assessment. Certification.
- Expertise.
- Product acceptance.
- Technical audit.
- Survey of ports and marinas.
- Calibration of non-destructive measuring equipment.
The main principles in DIEX’s work are objectivity, reliability and high quality.

The awards
DIEX is the first company in Ukraine to be certified according to local standards and ISO/IEC 17020-2001as inspection authority in the field of conformity assessment and expertise in industrial safety and labor protection.
The comany is the winner of the International Award “European Quality” and the winner of the “Best commodity producer of the year” in the category “Safety means” (2007) and in the category “New types of high-quality services” (2008). Company is numerously awarded by sign “Industry Leader”. DIEX also obtained the “Company of the Year (2011)” reward.

We recommend visiting the DIEX website to learn more about the company’s activities.
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