SAF Ukraine

SAF is a unique platform for knowledge management and information dissemination exchange at national and international levels. SAF supports a network of sectoral partnerships and value chains through the organisation of workshops and further operation of the website.
The mission of SAF Ukraine is to develop sustainable agribusiness models for the efficient production of high-quality agricultural and food products in Ukraine by implementing measures aimed at energy and resource efficiency, productivity improvement and technology modernization.
This communication platform aims to unite agribusiness stakeholders, establish strong connections between market players and introduce sustainable approaches in agriculture.
Objectives of the SAF Ukraine platform:
- support development of a partnership, knowledge sharing and marketing activities for the agriwastes-to-energy supply chain. This activity will be conducted through delivering capacity building seminars/trainings for the agricultural sector, developing the collaborative network of market players and equip them with necessary information and communication tools, conducting study tour and disseminating success stories and case studies through website.
- promoting the sustainability and carbon neutrality of Ukrainian agribusiness, as well as carrying out activities that are in line with Ukraine’s national contribution to the Paris Agreement.
- implement market studies to analyze technology, regulatory, and knowledge barriers and gaps in climate technologies in Ukraine.