Innovate Ukraine: Development of Business Model for Biomethane Production in Ukraine

Innovate Ukraine: Development of Business Model for Biomethane Production in Ukraine
Period: 04/2024 - 03/2026
Financing: UK International Development Fund

The project will be implemented for 2 years by a consortium of UK and Ukrainian companies: 

Ukraine’s biogas sector has an untapped potential for biomethane, which boasts an impressive 20 billion cubic meters (bcm).

The project’s primary aim is to create a blueprint for the scalable business model of biomethane production.

The main project goals:

  • Estimating biomethane production potential in Ukraine based on available and potential feedstock.
  • Developing a detailed biomethane production map for potential investors.
  • Development of the feasibility studies for biomethane production in Ukraine.
  • Creation of the list of potential biomethane investors and provision consulting services for the capital attraction for ready-to-build (RTB) projects.
  • Development of the Guidelines for the Export of Biomethane from Ukraine to the EU.
  • Development of Biomethane Road Map for Ukraine including national biogas production target for 2035 and long-term national package up to 2050.
  • Analysis the barriers to using biomethane in the transport sector. Draft legislation proposal for overcoming barriers to using biomethane in the transport sector.

These projects will serve as prototypes for a scalable business model aimed at revolutionizing biomethane production facilities. We’re using a comprehensive strategy to meet Ukraine’s energy needs, focusing on technological innovation, economic viability, and environmental sustainability.

Decentralised biomethane plants, with an annual generation of up to 5-10 mcm of biomethane per plant, will bolster Ukraine’s short-term resilience against energy supply disruptions. Longer-term, it lays the foundation for a cleaner, more sustainable energy mix.

Details of the project can be found in the given presentation:

Download presentation

The Innovate Ukraine competition, funded by UK International Development and hosted by British Embassy Kyiv.