Georgii Geletukha: Biomethane and Green hydrogen

Biomethane and green hydrogen — we see how interesting this topic is for you. We advise you to read the interview of the Head of the Board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine Georgii Geletukha for the online media GreenDeal (in Ukrainian).
Basic ideas
- The results of the research call 20% of the maximum possible hydrogen content in a mixture with natural gas for transportation by existing gas pipelines.
- Hydrogen is a very light gas and has a density more than 8 times lower than biomethane.
- The calorific value [MJ / m3] of hydrogen is 3.3 times less than that of biomethane at atmospheric pressure and 4.1 times less at a pressure of 60 bar. Accordingly, during the transportation of 1 m3 of hydrogen, 3.3-4.1 times less energy will be transported with it than during the transportation of 1 m3 of biomethane.
- The most promising is the production of “green” hydrogen in the immediate vicinity of its consumption with transportation by a separate pipeline.
- CO2 methanation with the help of green hydrogen is also considered promising.
This requires:
- place a plant for the production of green hydrogen and biomethane;
- convert green hydrogen into biomethane by reacting it with CO2 released during biomethane production;
- in addition to biomethane from the biomethane plant, pump synthetic methane into the gas pipeline, into which green hydrogen was converted.
- In the early stages of the development of the biomethane industry in Ukraine, the most likely development scenario is the export of the vast majority of biomethane produced to EU countries, where it has already formed a stable demand and premium price.
Source: the interview of the Head of the Board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine Georgii Geletukha for the online media GreenDeal: (in Ukrainian).