The authoritative Gas Infrastructure Operators of Europe (GIE) presented an important and interesting position paper on the scaling of biomethane projects in Europe, the main points of which we would like to highlight in this material.

We would like to single out the main theses of the document.

GIE: масштабування біометанових проєктів у Європі

What is needed?

  1. Establish a level playing field across renewable energy sources.
  2. Establish an EU-wide certification scheme accommodating cross-border trade in renewable gas.
  3. Provide a fair regulatory framework for renewable gas technologies and connections.
  4. Eliminate cross-border inhibitors by stimulating the industry to review quality and standards.
  5. Raise awareness of renewable gas’ necessity and benefits.

In general, the position paper is devoted to the following global topics:

  • Infrastructure development
  • Sector integration
  • Barriers to development

The position paper is available for download in English on the SAF (Sustainable Agribusiness Forum), for which our team participates in the preparation of materials.

Why is this important?

As a renewable gas available in the European market, biomethane has the potential to replace portions of natural gas supplies, contributing to a greener energy landscape. It aligns with the goals set by the European Commission in the REPowerEU Plan, which aims to achieve an annual production target of 35 bcm of biomethane by 2030.

GIE is constantly engaged in the research of new technologies and participates in the development of the regulatory framework and the determination of market conditions. As a representative of European gas infrastructure operators, the association is a direct participant in the development of the biomethane industry, so this document needs attention and revision.

GIE’s position paper explores the synergy of natural gas capacity and biomethane opportunities to grow the sector. This document recognizes the important role of biomethane in the energy transition and the ability of the gas infrastructure to exploit it.

Read more on the SAF platform and download the document!

We remind you that UABIO is a partner of the Sustainable agribusiness platform (SAF).

SAF is a communication platform that brings together agribusiness stakeholders and aims to establish strong links between market players and introduce sustainable approaches in agriculture.

For this platform, our team prepares verified professional content on the bioenergy sector.