Innovate Ukraine: Development of Business Model for Biomethane Production in Ukraine
We are happy to announce the victory in the contest “Innovate Ukraine – support for the energy restoration of Ukraine”!

Our project “Development of Business Model for Biomethane Production in Ukraine” will be implemented by a consortium of UK and Ukrainian companies: Marriott Davies Yapp LLP (UK), Rika Biofuel Developments LTD (UK ), Regenerative Agriculture Ltd. (Ukraine), SEC Biomass Ltd. (Ukraine) and Bioenergy Association of Ukraine for 2 years.
About the program
The Innovate Ukraine competition, funded by UK International Development and hosted by British Embassy Kyiv.
Based on the results of this competition, 13 innovative green energy projects in Ukraine were selected, which will be supported by Great Britain. The country’s government is investing 16 million pounds in innovations that will contribute to the recovery and future sustainability of the Ukrainian energy industry. Implementation of projects will last two years.
The program originally announced at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London in 2023, involves collaborations between over 50 UK and Ukrainian organisations and will leverage an additional £5m in private sector co-investment.
On May 2, the official opening of the Innovate Ukraine program took place with the announcement of the winning projects of the competition with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs David Cameron, who personally arrived in Kyiv, and the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko.

Out of 13 winning projects, the team of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine will participate in the implementation of two. UABIO head of the board Georgii Geletukha also took part in the opening event.

We are currently sharing about the first of the projects “Development of Business Model for Biomethane Production in Ukraine”, and soon we will announce the second.
About the project “Development of Business Model for Biomethane Production in Ukraine”
The project’s primary aim is to create a blueprint for the scalable business model of biomethane production. Ukraine’s biogas sector has an untapped potential for biomethane, which boasts an impressive 20 billion cubic meters (bcm). The sector is set for a rapid transformation with a wealth of raw materials and a growing demand shortage for natural gas of 10 bcm per year.
Project tasks are:
- Estimating biomethane production potential in Ukraine based on available and potential feedstock and developing a detailed biomethane production map for potential investors.
- Development of a business concept for advanced biomethane production (12 Feasibility Studies).
- Development of the most promising projects to the ready to built (RTB) stage for advanced biomethane production and domestic use (4 cases).
- Development of Conditions for Export of Biomethane from Ukraine to European Countries.
- Biomethane for the Transport Sector of Ukraine (bio-CNG and bio-LNG).
These projects will serve as prototypes for a scalable business model aimed at revolutionizing biomethane production facilities. We’re using a comprehensive strategy to meet Ukraine’s energy needs, focusing on technological innovation, economic viability, and environmental sustainability.
Decentralised biomethane plants, with an annual generation of up to 5-10 mcm of biomethane per plant, will bolster Ukraine’s short-term resilience against energy supply disruptions. Longer-term, it lays the foundation for a cleaner, more sustainable energy mix.
Details of the project can be found in the given presentation (click “Download presentation”).
Download presentation