BIOPLAT-EU: Proceedings of the online stakeholder meeting “Energy crops for bioenergy projects: prospects for Khmelnytskyi and Ternopil regions”

On October 8, an online meeting of the BIOPLAT-EU Project Working Group “Energy Crops for Bioenergy Projects: Prospects for Khmelnytskyi and Ternopil regions” took place. The meeting was attended by more than 50 participants out of 56 registered, including representatives of central and local authorities, agricultural companies, farmers, private landowners, investors, financial institutions, development companies, small and medium-sized businesses, scientists and consultants working, or intend to work in the region.

The purpose of the meeting was to present the BIOPLAT-EU project to local stakeholders, to tell about the project objectives and planned activities, as well as to check the availability of data and information useful for determining the current state of the bioenergy sector in the region; collect information on the legal basis, as well as the economic and social condition of the region; identify the interest of local authorities and investors in cooperation to promote the development of the bioenergy sector in the region, as well as priority bioenergy chains and the necessary incentives for development.

Презентації спікерів:

Olha Haidai, senior consultant at SEC Biomass, spoke about the possibilities of the future BIOPLAT-EU web-platform

If you are interested in the development of the bioenergy sector in your area, please follow the survey by the link. The results of the survey will be sent to the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and will help in the development of relevant legislation to support the sector of energy crops in Ukraine.