UABIO proposals regarding the implementation of biomethane production projects. Letter 549

Experts of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine predict the rapid growth of biomethane production in Ukraine from 2022, including exports to EU countries. Ukraine can potentially produce up to 10 billion m3 of biomethane/year from agricultural waste and residues: manure, cereal straw, corn stalks, sunflower stalks, sugar beet pulp, molasses, corn silage, and others.
New opportunities for the development of agrarian business appeared after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Fuels” on the development of biomethane production” № 1820-IX of 21.10.2021.
That is why with an official letter we appeal to agricultural enterprises with a proposal to consider the possibility of cooperation in the implementation of projects for the production of biomethane.
- Full text of UABIO’s letter № 549 on the implementation of biomethane production projects (in Ukrainian).
To optimize the work, interested persons are invited to fill out a questionnaire and send it to the address:
Why is it relevant now?
The Bioenergy Association is constantly approached by potential investors interested in building biomethane plants, as well as in strategic partnerships with potential suppliers of agricultural raw materials for such plants.
The position of the UABIO is prepared, discussed, and agreed upon by the members of the UABIO, which produce more than 50% of all energy from biomass and biogas in Ukraine.