Volodymyr Maistryshyn, Oleksandr Dombrovskyi, Georgiy Geletukha, ZN.UA, N43-44, November 19, 2016.
In Ukraine, district heating market consists of utility companies, which...
The paper covers basic designs of district heating market and existing ways for heat tarif setting by the examples of selected European countries. It is shown that most of the...
Sergiy Savchuk, Oleksandr Dombrovskyi, Diana Korsakaite, Georgiy Geletukha, Ivan Nadein, Volodymyr Maistryshyn,, October 27, 2016.
Over the past year the topic...
The seventh edition of the monthly practical journal “Ecology of the Enterprise” published an article of UABio experts Semen Dragnev, Tetiana Zhelyezna and Georgiy...
Rate of development of bioenergy in Ukraine is analyzed in the article. The paper considers possibilities for obtaining wood fuel from such additional sources as shelterbelt...
The paper covers state of the art and prospects for the development of district heating in Europe, including the use of renewable energy sources. Basic models of district heating...