Project opening event «Digitization of the Central Heating Sector of Ukraine»: materials
The opening event of the project «Digitization of the Central Heating Sector of Ukraine» took place on July 21. The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine has provided funding from the Development Cooperation Program for the project “Digitization of the Central Heating Sector of Ukraine”.
More than 100 participants took part in the event within the Webex online platform. In addition, about 300 people joined the online broadcast.
Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Dainius Kreivys, Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yulia Pidkomorna, as well as Acting Head of State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) Kostiantyn Gura addressed the participants of the event with a greeting speech.

During the event, Lithuanian colleagues spoke about the experience of introducing and operating a biofuel exchange. Baltpool CEO Andrius Smaliukas spoke about the purpose of the project “Digitization of the Central Heating Sector of Ukraine”. Head of the Board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine Georgii Geletukha reviewed the biomass market in Ukraine, and Lithuanian experts spoke about the work of the thermal energy sector in Lithuania. In addition, the Head of Trading unit of Baltpool Vaidotas Jonutis spoke about heat auctions and the transformation of the biomass market.
We remind that the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine has provided funding from the Development Cooperation Program for the project “Digitization of the Central Heating Sector of Ukraine”. Baltpool will provide consultations to the Ukrainian bioenergy market and share long-term good practices in digitizing the bioenergy market in Lithuania. The key project partner is the Ukrainian Bioenergy Association (UABIO).
It should be noted that the target audience of the project includes Ukrainian bioenergy buyers, sellers, bioenergy market regulators and legislators, as well as district heating and electricity companies.
Download the event programme
Speaker presentations:
- Purpose of the cooperation project – Andrius Smaliukas, CEO of Baltpool.
- Ukraine biomass market overview – Georgii Geletukha, UABIO Head of the Board (in Ukrainian).
- Overview of the heating sector in Lithuania – Vaidotas Jonutis, Head of Trading unit of Baltpool.
- Heat auctions – Vaidotas Jonutis, Head of Trading unit of Baltpool.
- Biomass market transformation – Vaidotas Jonutis, Head of Trading unit of Baltpool.